
Pregnancy, Birth and
Postnatal Support

"Woman, by her nature, is a shaman." Chuckchi Proverb
"If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it"
John H Kennell, MD
"Roma visited in the days following the birth, bringing her empathetic ear & usual sense of humour for support. What more could one ask for?" Nancy

I have been a Birth & Postnatal Doula since 2010 in the Lewes & Brighton area. I've supported over 150 births, with the majority of these being at home. I am a Doula Mentor and teacher for trainee doulas, a Spinning Babies Certified Parent Educator & a Body Ready Method Certified Pro, teaching methods for comfort in pregnancy & ease of birth, a KG Hypnobirthing Teacher & an Infant Feeding Coach. They say 'do a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life' and here I am, living the dream!
I enjoy supporting women and expectant parents to confidently prepare for birth. I love seeing them have exactly the kind of straightforward birth they wished for. None of them really wants to see my fancy, problem solving moves, they just like knowing they're in my back pocket, just in case (and I do have a few stories of times these biomechanical moves were needed to avoid overly long labours, exhaustion & unnecessareans).
In labour, you often need more support than one person can provide (and that person needs breaks and support, too). It feels best to be with a trusted friend, yet also to have confidence in their abilities & wisdom; to feel cared for in safe hands. To know that if anything went 'tits up', they would know just what to do (whilst knowing this is less likely with the body balancing prep that you've done).
Having the constant support of a doula has been shown in randomised control trials, to reduce the length of labours & decrease the rate of interventions & c-sections. It also increases maternal happiness & satisfaction.
You might be planning a birth centre, or hospital birth, but you still need to make that journey in dilation or progress before they will even have you stay. Early labour is not always quick and that time might as well be as easy & pleasant as possible. Knowing when to make the transfer can be tricky & having a doula's support & guidance can make this time much more pleasant.
Around 90% of the births I support are home births (including home VBAC and breech). I also attend births at The Royal Sussex (Brighton), The Princess Royal (Haywards Heath) and Crowborough Birthing Centre.
Postnatally, I love taking care of new parents & babies. I usually wear baby in a stretchy wrap sling & do whatever is needed around the house, or simply provide feeding support, an extra pair of hands, a listening ear, or some fun & attention for older siblings.
Wild photo by Jennifer Mason Photography in Ann Arbor, Michigan